Thursday, September 23, 2010



People born under the sign of the Ram are courageous and adventurous. They are natural leaders and love living on the edge. They live for the thrill of the chase, preferably a high-speed chase. Don't think that once the Arien hunter has captured its game that he or she will be satisfied. Much like a dog who has finally caught that chicken it has been chasing around the yard, an Arien will quickly become bored with its victim. The dog starts chasing another chicken and the Arien starts after its next conquest, most likely another sexual partner.

Ariens are talkative. They love to inform anyone who will listen about their views on anything that comes to mind. They feel that their views on the world are of utmost importance and therefore, they must share those views with everyone.

They ooze self-confidence. Other people are attracted to the high-spirited personality of the Ariens. This self-confidence can also be seen as vanity or over-sized ego. Its true; Ariens are in love with themselves. Aries is known as a me-first sign and they dont understand why you dont place their needs, however trivial, above your own.

Still, an Arien man or woman is likely to be generous and openhearted. They will help others in a crisis. Ask them for advice, and they will give it. Strapped for cash? They don't mind helping you out. Just don't forget to thank your generous Arien friend. Repeatedly. You didn't really think they were helping you out of general concern for your well-being, did you? A Ram's generosity stems from how good it makes him or her look. Your gratitude feeds an already gargantuan ego.

People born under the Ram are highly independent and like to be in charge. They much prefer to be handing out assignments than being told what to do. In fact, even if you could give an Arien orders, giving them an important assignment might not be the best idea. They lack the motivation to see a long project through the end. Arien's prefer an instant-gratification type of project. The longer they have to work to be rewarded, the less likely they will reach that goal.

Ariens have trouble holding on to money. This isnt surprising because theyre not afraid to help a friend in need. They're also not afraid to buy extravagant gifts, for themselves, of course. After all, they deserve it, don't they? They certainly think so. Luckily, an Arien is not likely to be in debt for too long. Thank their ego for this. It's not exactly good for the self-esteem to wake up every day remembering how many people you owe money. An in-debt Ram will find a way to pay off his creditors quickly.

Although a Ram is high-spirited and optimistic 95% of the time, don't think that life with one is all sunshine and roses. Remember, Ariens react without thought. Insult one, and he or she will have a childlike tantrum. Sadly, people born under Aries often see insult where none was intended. Don't worry. They erupt violently, but it's brief. An angry Aries isnt angry for long. In fact, once they've got over it, they won't understand why you are still upset.

Every sign of the zodiac is ruler to a certain part of the body. Aries rules the head. People born under Aries are prone to headaches and minor facial injuries, most likely from running head-first into anything and everything. Just picture two rams battling on a cliff. Watch them butt heads a few times, and you'll understand.

All in all, people born under Aries are interesting to be around, if you can keep up...

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